
(6 weeks to 12 months)


In the first year of life, your child will reach many milestones. At Elite Academy our team of nurturing and loving hands will be there to guide them through their discoveries encouraging and loving them along the way knowing that early interactions have lifelong implications for healthy emotional and social development.

Considerable planning goes into the design of each room. In the infant room, carefully selected toys, materials, and props are coordinated for them to interact with and we will encourage them to use their arms, legs, fingers, and hands to explore the world around them. While they are learning and growing we understand the need for nurture always providing plenty of hugs, love, and personal attention.

There are four essential components in our infant program:

Physical Development: Daily exercises and activities such as tummy time, rolling over and crawling is performed to encourage and support your child’s physical development.

Cognitive Development: Our infant room is carefully designed making sure that age-appropriate toys are within arms reach of your little one, and activity mats and other props are available for them to explore and discover.

Social and Emotional Development: Our nurturing and caring teachers create a warm environment that focuses on love and trust. We also know how important a schedule is for infants and we follow the daily schedule you provide to create an easy transition from home to the center creating stability and trust to support the social and emotional development of your child.

Elite Achievement Reports: Elite achievement reports are sent home daily to keep you informed of the small milestones your child accomplishes each day including detailed information on activities, feedings, and sleeping.

Register Today

Register today If you’re interested in applying your child to Elite Academy.